Aminet 33
Aminet 33 - October 1999.iso
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88 lines
Short: HAM grid locator <-> latitude/longtitude (v1.07)
Author: grzes@free.net.pl (Grzegorz Fitrzyk)
Uploader: grzes@free.net.pl (Grzegorz Fitrzyk)
Type: comm/misc
MLocator jest malym programikiem, ktory potrafi obliczac odleglosc i kierunek
(azymut) miedzy dwoma amatorskimi stacjami radiowymi.
- Przelicza wspolrzedne siatki LOC na szerokosc/wyskosc geograficzna
oraz w druga strone.
- Posiada interfejs graficzny w standardzie MUI.
- Obsluguje Tooltypy.
- Generuje plik T:Direction w ktorym zapisany jest azymut dla anten.
Jesli znasz ARexx'a to latwo Ci bedzie napisac jakis skrypt do
wspolpracy z interfejsem rotora.
- Moze byc uruchomiony z CLI (bez interfejsu graficznego).
- Jest za darmo!
MLocator is a small utility, which allows to compute distance and direction
(azimuth) between two HAM radio stations.
Main features of MLocator:
- Can compute grid LOC to Longtitude/Latitude and vice versa.
- Magic User Interface.
- Tooltypes support.
- Now generate T:Direction file which contains azimuth for antennas.
If you know ARexx then it will be very easy for you to write some
script for your rotator interface.
- Can work from CLI (without MUI).
- It's freeware!
Version 1.00
- First relase with many bugs and without GUI.
Version 1.03
- I changed compiler from SAS C to VBCC and fixed few bugs which
vbcc was reported.
- Added procedures for computing Distance and Direction.
- Added Magic User Interface.
Version 1.04 (29.06.1999)
- Fixed few bugs.
- Added tooltypes.
- Added procedure for creating output file T:Direction for
controling antena rotator interface.
Version 1.05 (1.07.99)
- I fixed a bug in Longtitude fields. Longtitude value more than
99.99 don't create letter extension because I set too small
gadget width.
Version 1.06 (16.07.99)
- Fixed bug in CLI argument reading procedure.
- Changed e-mail address (my old account is dead so if you sent me
any mail, do it again :)
- Rearranged GUI. Now I hope looks better.
Version 1.07 (18.07.99)
- Fixed bug in distance computing procedure. I forgot check minus
sign for latitude :( Thanks for report to Laurent (autor of
Now results computed by MLocator is real (I hope).
Now my apology will go to Laurent for my bad note about his
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
2935 1834 37.5% 18-Jul-99 21:11:32 MLocator_107.info
39020 16262 58.3% 18-Jul-99 20:44:00 +MLocator
6245 2701 56.7% 18-Jul-99 21:11:02 +MLocator.guide
6867 1676 75.5% 29-Jun-99 16:48:26 +MLocator.guide.info
3209 2204 31.3% 29-Jun-99 16:48:26 +MLocator.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
58276 24677 57.6% 19-Jul-99 20:11:28 5 files